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3 Things You Ought To Be Ready For When Dealing With Newborns


When you give birth to a baby, your entire life gets transformed. From holding your little sunshine for the very first time to preparing a baby diet’s  chartnumerous things add to your daily routine and a few subtract. If you are first-time parents, it’s normal to get a little nervous in the beginning. Sometimes you may also feel as if you were not prepared for it. However, when you get to know your baby better, things change for good.


Holistic baby care


In order to ensure proper newborn baby care, you need to lower down your stress levels and create a solid plan. To make things easier for you, we have created a list of things you ought to be ready for when dealing with newborns:


∙         How to handle your newborn?


Remember, your newborn is extremely fragile and needs to be handled carefully. You can do a few  things to make sure that your baby is safe:


  • Your baby does not have a strong immune system, meaning you need to be extra careful when handling them. For instance, use hand sanitizer before touching or holding your baby. This will decrease their risk of catching any infection.
  • Your baby’s neck and head are fragile. So whenever you are holding your baby, make sure that you provide enough support to his or her neck and head using your hand or otherwise.
  • Avoid shaking your newborn as it may result in internal bleeding and may prove to be detrimental.


∙         Bonding with your baby


It is very important to make a strong bond with your baby in the initial stages of his or her development. This kind of connection can be created with the help of  numerous techniques like physical touching (for ex:  gently stroking your baby’s head. As a result, you will be able to communicate better with your newborn at so many levels. This also contributes greatly to your baby’s emotional growth. 


You can also include massage in your baby’s care routine. In case you are not sure about how to go about it, you can consult your doctor and ask for suggestions.


∙         Feeding your newborn


Many parents are not cognizant of the healthy ways they can feed their newborn. Generally, it is said that only if your kid demands, you must feed him or her. Parents can accurately judge this by paying attention to what their kid does while asking for food. While some babies put their fingers in the mouth when hungry, some others make soft sounds. All in all, every kid is different in this aspect, making it a real work for the parents to get to the bottom. However, the good news is by putting conscious and sincere efforts in this regard, things become easier eventually both for newborns and their parents.

In case your kid doesn’t show any interest in eating, ask your doctor.


Once your baby starts eating fine, you can introduce him or her to newer and healthy foods such as oats, ragi for babies and other cereals. For other healthy food variants, you can visit Slurrp Farm’s website and get your hands on scrumptious yet nutritious Organic Oats Powder, Organic Brown Rice Powder, Organic Oats and Millets Porridge etc. among many others.



Beginner’s Guide to Encourage Healthy Eating Among Kids

A nutritious diet is imperative for the healthy growth of a child. As the child grows in age, his weight and height should also grow accordingly. Poor and unhealthy diet can have a negative impact and may also lead to a stunted growth. By continuously checking the standard height and weight chart for kids, you will be able to form a better idea whether or not the growth of your child is normal. In case you feel that the kid is underweight or not gaining height, then it is important to meet a doctor.


Parents need to keep in mind that the standard height and weight chart of a boy is different from that of a girl. For example, at birth the standard weight of a girl should approximately be a minimum of 2.3 kg and a maximum of 4 kg. The minimum height is expected to be 46 cms and the maximum 53 cms. Meanwhile, for boys the weight at birth should be between 2.5 kg and 4.5 kg and the ideal height should be between 46 cms and 53.5 cms. As the child ages, the height and weight should also increase proportionally. By the age of 18, the boy or girl usually attain their full height.


For a healthy growth it is important that the diet should comprise the necessary minerals and vitamins. Parents need to avoid foods that would affect the child’s growth like saturated fats, etc. Some of the nutrients that help in the height and weight gain include the following.




Incorporate calcium in your child’s diet as it is good for the bones and muscles. Some of the foods that contain calcium include leafy vegetables, mushrooms, milk, fish, eggs, almonds etc.




Protein not just builds and makes the tissues strong but also leads to the growth of the internal organs and other parts of the body. Some foods that are a rich source of proteins include pulses, fish, eggs, milk and milk products.




Include foods like meat, egg yolk and fish in the diet of your child as these are replete with vitamins. For vegetarians, milk, butter, fruits and green vegetables are important sources of vitamins. Vitamins not just absorb calcium and result in normal growth of the child, but also make the bones healthy and strong. You also need to give your kid foods which have an abundance of minerals.



It is important to pay attention to the growth of a child right from birth. Also try to prepare a 6 month baby food chart as it is important to start feeding him solids from the age of 6 months. By giving him nutritious diet and making him do the right exercises you will help the child grow according to the standard weight and height chart for kids.